Press Registration
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Press Registration
The COSPAR 2024 45th Scientific Assembly will be held from July 13 to 21 at BEXCO in Busan, Korea.
How to Register
  • Access the press registration by clicking here (Closed).
  • Complete and submit the online form.
  • A confirmation email will be sent to all registered press representatives.
  • Upon arrival at BEXCO, please visit the registration desk to collect your registration badge.
Editors and reporters employed in print, broadcast, or online media must submit one of the following:
An article with your byline, published by your news organization within the last 6 months.
A masthead from a publication showing your name and position as an editor or reporter.
An official photo ID from your news organization or a government body.
Bloggers should provide:
Your three latest blog entries on topics pertaining to scientific research.
Freelance journalists need to provide:
A letter on official letterhead from your assignment editor, verifying your task to report on the scientific assembly.
Others (e.g. historian, science communicator, etc)
Your Posts or books on topics pertaining to scientific research.
Important Notes
Individuals in roles such as marketing executives, sales representatives, public relations officers, analysts, consultants, authors, and researchers are not eligible to register as press for COSPAR 2024. An ID card identifying you as a journalist will be required on-site when collecting your badge.
Click to Register as Press